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Health Services Platform Marketplace

The HL7 Health Services Platform Marketplace ("Marketplace" for short) is an HL7/Logica Health (formerly HSPC) specification for the publication, cataloging, discovering, and deployment of computable healthcare products and executable knowledge.

This site contains the most up to date version of the specification and the formally balloted versions. If you're looking for Marketplace implementations, HL7 Implementation Division operates a copy of the Skycapp platform that maintains compliance with the specification.

Releases of the specification are formally balloted and published through HL7, while software implementations are not. Similarly, implementing organizations are not standards developing organizations (SDOs).

History of Major Changes

Version Date Description
latest snapshot snapshot
2 STU 2 2022 January Refinements and guidance of computable product packaging and metadata model. Recommendations on analytics, billing, logging, debugging and other runtime telemetry integrations provided by downstream software runtime platforms. Examples of ways to present cybersecurity, compliance, and other product metadata for healthsystem consumption. Further specification of product license authorization model via PIM for dynamically authorization of specific products. Recreation and inclusion of UML diagrams in computable format. Removal of old "HSPC" naming.
2 STU 1 2019 September Specification-wide renaming of "service" renamed to "product"; product aggregation; product-license relationship made many-to-many; digital rights management types; entitlement tracking and group support; channel partner "voucher" type; dynamic entitlement claim and authorization support.
1.0 2019 January Initial release.